Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement

1. System Availability

SmartRecruiters will take appropriate measures in terms of redundancy, monitoring and platform management so as to guarantee optimal service availability outside of planned maintenance windows.

The Service is deemed unavailable when authentication to the service is not possible (via SSO or Login page) or 1 key feature at least is not working. Key features are defined as follows: Login Page, Candidate Profile, People Search, Candidate’s Online Application Process/Form, Job Details Page.


24 hours per day
24 hours per day

365 days per year
365 days per year

99.9% System Availability
99.9% System Availability

2. System Response Time

To ensure the best experience for its users, SmartRecruiters commits on actual page response time, i.e. the time it takes for the page to display on the user’s screen.

The response time is defined as the average time needed to get a page displayed on the user’s screen using a standard scenario: Login, View Job List, Open a Job detail, View Candidate List, Open Candidate Profile, Search a Candidate Name. Your network should be able to ping in less than 100ms and have a download speed of at least 512 KB/s.


Target 1 sec
Target 1 sec

Maximum 5 sec
Maximum 5 sec

3. Customer Support

SmartRecruiters provides two levels of customer support – Standard and Premium – for all paid Customers (and more specifically to administrators of the paid subscribers) to answer questions and address issues. You can find answers to or report questions and issues using any of the following methods:

  • Use our Help Center to access a feature knowledge base, FAQs, and useful tutorials and best practices on using SmartRecruiters.
  • Log a support case via our Help Center.
  • Customers subscribing to Premium support level benefit from phone support.
Response Time Support Levels Standard Premium
Support Staff Availability 8hrs/5 days M-F 24hrs/7 days
P0 60 minutes 30 minutes
P1 2 hours 30 minutes
P2 6 hours 1 hour
P3 12 hours 2 hours

*Service Level Agreement Definitions

P0: Production down: Production system, application or critical feature is down.

P1: Local Emergency (single user, non-critical but still urgent functionality).

P2: Production impaired: A non-critical feature is not working correctly and is blocking partial use of the platform, while other functionality is working correctly.

P3: Minor issue: A minor issue is impacting usability of the system, but a workaround is available and critical features are working correctly.

Scope of the Customer Support Services for Advance Job Distribution / SmartDistribute – Details

1. The above-mentioned Customer Support Services cover the Advanced Job Distribution / SmartDistribute Services only for the supported job boards listed here:

2. If a job board is not a supported job board as listed above, the Customer shall request the job board be added by creating a Smart Idea suggestion via our Smart Ideas portal in product.

3. Time to post once the job board is added to supported list: 24hrs.

4. After setting up a new contract in product, SmartRecruiters will need up to 48 hours to review if the said new contract can be supported. SmartRecruiters may refuse to support any new contract due to the objective reasons, e.g. two factor-authentication or missing inventory on the account.

4. Maintenance

SmartRecruiters makes its best efforts to provide a bug-free, incident-free service at all times. Therefore, we make sure that issues, whether bugs or incidents that are reported or detected, get resolved promptly.

Resolution Time of Bugs & Incidents

Resolution Time Support Levels Standard Premium
P0 Up to 24 hours Up to 24 hours
P1 Up to 3 business days
P2 Up to 3 weeks
P3 Up to 8 weeks

5. Upgrades

SmartRecruiters upgrades its platform very frequently to both deliver new features and quickly resolve any issues. Release notes and resources on new features are published on our Help website.

Vast majority of releases are done in a hot deployment mode and do not require any downtime. Occasionally, a Major Release or an upgrade in our Hosting environment may require a Maintenance Window.

Maintenance Windows are usually opened on weekends or outside of business hours. They are always announced at least 24h in advance and progress can be monitored on the maintenance page

SmartRecruiters may also open a Maintenance Window on short notice in the event of an emergency, for example related to a detected security breach.

6. Customer Monitoring

Customers have online access to a real time Service Availability Report outlining current status of the service. In the event of an outage, regular information and updates are posted on our maintenance page

7. Security Infrastructure

SmartRecruiters stores and processes data on your behalf. We understand the nature of our role as a Data Processor and take appropriate measures to protect the data against any unauthorized use or access.

Our Security Infrastructure includes Intrusion detection services, security monitoring, Restricted Physical Access, Restricted Network Access, Encrypted Data Access, Redundant firewalls, Isolated public/private LANs, Isolated NAS and SAN access, and Real-time anti-virus.

In addition, only restricted individuals and workstations may update critical elements of the system such as Firewall rules, Settings, recovery procedures, and backup procedures.

System monitoring and logs covering all major components including application services, system settings, load balancers, firewalls and LAN traffic.

Any security inquiries can be addressed at

8. Backups

Backups are performed in a hot backup mode (no interruption of service) every 8 hours. In the timeslot, the degradation of performances related to the backup process is negligible. Each backup is a full, non-incremental archive of all data of each customer.

Backups are kept in a separate facility.


Incremental: Instant
Incremental: Instant

Full: Every 8 hours
Full: Every 8 hours

9. Disaster Recovery

SmartRecruiters works hard to build and maintain a fault-tolerant architecture and infrastructure. All the base services of the platform are redundant with active failover capacity. Base services include application servers, web servers, database Servers, load balancers, and storage.

In the event of a full outage of the primary AWS hosting facility, operations are transferred to a secondary AWS facility where a full service can be restored.


Failure of a single base Service: Instant
Failure of a
single base Service: Instant

Failure of multiple base Services: 2h
Failure of
multiple base Services: 2h

Full Outage of the primary hosting facility: 12h
Full Outage of
the primary hosting facility: 12h

10. Service Penalties

Should SmartRecruiters fail to achieve its Service Availability as described in this document and upon Customer’s written request, it shall pay to the Customer a penalty of 10% of the Subscription Fees paid during the last 12-month period (calendar year) per each 1% below the committed Service Availability.

Service Penalties and Liabilities of any kind that may arise from using the SmartRecruiters’ Services are limited to 100% of paid Subscription Fees paid in the last 12 months.