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Why I Loved Getting Hired At SmartRecruiters: Eden Monet, EA and Office Manager

Eden’s job is one of the most critical at SmartRecruiters. She takes care of all Executive and Office logistics, and makes sure SmartRecruiters is an enjoyable and productive place to work.

I sat down with Eden recently to learn about how she found SmartRecruiters, and what it’s like for her to work here.

Taylor: So Eden, how did you come to find SmartRecruiters?

Eden: Well, I think with every employee, you sometimes get to feeling unsatisfied in your current role. I felt that way, and I needed a company whose mission matched my own. I wanted to work with an amazing team and an amazing CEO. That was ultimately my goal.

I found SmartRecruiters because as I was applying for a few roles online, I came across a SmartRecruiters powered application. I uploaded my resume, then a message popped up that my resume had been received. The SmartRecruiters logo popped up at the bottom and said all was good. I panicked and thought for sure I had missed a step because there was no lengthy application to fill out. So, I was like “what the heck? Who is SmartRecruiters? How did they make this so flippin’ easy?”

I googled SmartRecruiters, looked at the website and thought: if they’re hiring, I need to apply. Their mission is something I want to align with. They made my application so simple and scared me into elation!

Taylor: And besides that apply experience, what attracted you to SmartRecruiters?

Eden: I was initially attracted to SmartRecruiters because of the job description: I knew I could do everything in the description. That, coupled with Jerome’s megawatt smile on the SmartRecruiters’ website, made me want to see what they were all about. After that, it was all the people I met during the interview process.

Taylor: That’s awesome. So now that you’re here, what do you like about working at SmartRecruiters?

Eden: Bottom line, the people at SmartRecruiters make me love working here. I want to hang out with them inside and outside the office (and I often do).

Lastly, Jerome is a natural leader: patient and personable. He is someone I want to follow and learn from. I like the idea of changing the world of recruiting, and am glad I’m in on the mission.

I’m glad I’m here and excited to help make hiring great for everyone, from recruiters to candidates alike.

Taylor: Thanks Eden. We’re glad to have you here! If you’re interested in applying like Eden did, check out our careers page here.

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