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Why I Loved Getting Hired At SmartRecruiters: Donnie Schultz, Marketplace Operations Manager

Donnie Schultz

Donnie is integral to our Marketplace partners here at SmartRecruiters. As Donnie says, he’s a “worker of small miracles”, but to us, he handles all the operations around growing and maintaining our Marketplace. If you interact with a job board or an integration, he’s the man at the top!

I recently took some time out to speak with Donnie about his role here at SmartRecruiters, and why he loves working for the company that strives to reinvent recruiting:

TS: Thanks for taking this time out of your busy day Donnie. Talk to me about how you found SmartRecruiters.

DS: I think my story is similar to Eden [Monet’s] experience. I was applying for jobs, and saw that some of those jobs were using SmartRecruiters. I was really impressed by how easy it was to apply, and thought “hey, if they’re making my life so easy, maybe I could do the same others.”

So I went to the careers page to look for openings, applied, and here I am!

TS: Cool! We’re happy to have you. So then you got the offer, and you accepted it. There was something that attracted you to SmartRecruiters. Can you talk about that?

DS: For me, it was a lot of things. Number one is the social mission: we’re here to help recruiters find great candidates, but also make it easier for candidates to apply. There’s a big opportunity there, and I’m glad to be a part of it.

After that? Probably the company size. We’re kind of in that sweet spot where we’re not a full blown corporation with thousands of people, but not a small startup of 10 people. We’re a growing company, and it’s cool to be a part of that ride.

And the people are awesome. I love the people I work with everyday, including the crew out in Poland. No matter which office I work at, I always feel like I’m in a friendly home with people who are making cool stuff.

TS: Yeah, I can understand that feeling. Going back a second, what stood out to you about our interview process?

DS: It was weird, because it wasn’t too casual, but also not overly formal, know what I mean? I don’t know… it was a good balance. People were very friendly, and I clicked with them right away. As soon as I had my interview with SmartRecruiters, I knew exactly what to expect from the role, and my position within it.

TS: Awesome. I was in your interview right?

DS: Yep! We talked about languages.

TS: That we did! I wish I was as good as you were with foreign languages. Anyway, just one final question here: what do you like about SmartRecruiters now that you’re here?

DS: Going to what I said before, it’s people, people, people. This place has the best coworkers I’ve ever had. It’s a really great place, and I enjoy coming to work everyday. And also, I’ve always felt support around my personal and professional development. Who I am now is a different, and more skilled person than I was when I came in.

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