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“The New Rules” of Getting the Job You Love

I had the amazing opportunity to present at the InforumSF and the Commonwealth Club’s, “The New Rules of Getting and Keeping a Job You Love.” The event started with a panel of speakers and then broke out into a workshop where attendees could have their resumes revised, mini-mentoring sessions, speak with recruiters, have professional head-shots taken, or come to presenting sessions which included my own, “Interviewing 101.”

One thing all the presenters agreed on is that the “world of work” is changing at a faster pace than anyone could have imagined.

Ryan Coonerty, Co-founder of NextSpace and Author of “The Rise of the Naked Economy” says, “what work always has been and always will be is the exchange of your work and skills for money or other work and skills.”

Maintaining the only consistency in the changing work atmosphere is exchange. Rick Von Feldt, Head of Learning and Development at Atlassian, says, “Social and connections to the people who introduce us to careers and skills we want for new jobs are critical.” Von Feldt emphasized that the new path to jobs relies on social and networking.

Pat Flynn, Senior Director of Recruiting at Twitter says, “You cannot be afraid of technology. You need to be familiar enough with tech to get stuff done. More and more we are seeing what used to be two positions become one.”  Flynn reminds us that competition is increasing and employers want candidates that have a wide-range of skills.

Anna Binder, Advisor of Readyforce and Board Chair, emphasizes that even though the world of work is changing we have an opportunity to create the jobs we want by “defining our prosperity and finding the work that allows us to live by that definition.”

Despite the changing definitions and ideologies surrounding work – the hiring process for the most part remains the same; meaning, interviews are unavoidable. Check out my presentation below:


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