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Best Job Search Sites to Recruit Interns

Editor’s note: We’ve recently updated our list of the Best Job Boards to Recruit Interns for 2018—check it out here.

Interns are the next generation of talent at your company. Internships not only provide great experience for college students, but they also empower your current employees to become mentors. Employers often struggle to recruit and hire ‘the best’ interns. If you’re looking at a stack of applicants with little or no proven experience, how do you make the right hire?

Mark Babbit of YouTern insists that an intern’s soft skills – like passion, independence, and versatility – are the attributes that hiring managers need to be on the lookout for.

You want the candidate “who will step in with some hustle, an entrepreneurial spirit and a great attitude – and make an immediate impact,” says Babbit. “After all, how do you know which is the best intern to pick when, by default, they have little or no work experience?”

Still, finding the candidate with those key intangibles can itself be a challenge. Nathan Parcells of InternMatch suggests to hone in on your detective skills when interviewing an intern:

“Recent grads, and especially current students, don’t typically have deep professional experience,” says Parcells, “so their ability to tell a story of why they’d be a good fit for your company is essential.”

To connect the smart employers with the best interns, SmartRecruiters partnered with the six best jobs boards for college students:

Internship positions posted to Monster through SmartRecruiters are featured on this MonsterCollege, which helps recent grads and college students find their first career. Whether graduates pursue careers in government, non-profits, service vocations, start-ups, or the corporate sphere – MonsterCollege helps navigate the job-hunting process.


YouTern is dedicated to matching the best young talent to leading organizations through high-impact, mentor-based internships. Visit their blog (The Savvy Intern, named to many “Top Blogger” lists in 2011) and tune into their Twitter weekly chat (#InternPro, Mondays at 9pm ET).


InternMatch helps companies find amazing interns using a  network of 250+ university and department level partners (ranging from Stanford to MIT) to ensure that every posting receives the right student applications.  For companies as large as Nestle and as small as 3 person startups. targets college students and recent grads looking for internships and entry level positions allowing them to apply to jobs, even on a mobile phone.

With over 60,000 internships in over 2,000 locations, has a very active community that also consists of career prep resources and internship forums.


InternJobs is a global database of internships and entry-level positions for students, recent graduates and career changers. You can search their database by keyword or by location, and employers post internships and entry-level jobs for FREE.

How to Get an Internship

If you haven’t found a summer intern, it’s not too late. As spring concludes, remember, ambitious students will be searching these job sites for new internship opportunities.

Also don’t forget to check out top job sites by niche.

Ben Klafter (aka @BizDevBen) is a native of San Francisco, practices martial arts, and is on a quest to partner with all the best recruiting services. Photo Credit hnip.

Benjamin Klafter

@BizDevBen is a native of San Francisco, practices martial arts, and is on a quest to partner with all the best recruiting services.