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Recruitment Startup of the Year Nominee: HeyJobs

Having trouble finding all the staff you need? Perhaps it’s time you started treating candidates like customers? HeyJobs can help you with that.

Meet the companies vying for the title of Recruiting Startup Of The Year (RSOTY) at Hiring Success 18, in San Francisco, March 12-14. Register here!  Your vote determines which six are flying to California to pitch their ideas to 1000+ Talent Acquisition leaders and puts them in the running for the grand prize.

One of these six will be selected by a group of C-Suite experts and industry analysts for the ultimate prize of a Gold Sponsorship to Hiring Success 19, worth $10,000, which includes a branded booth and dedicated demo-room for potential customers to interact with their product.

To give us a better idea about his vision, HeyJobs CEO and founder Marius Luther answered our questions about his startup and how it came to fruition.

What’s your company’s elevator pitch?

HeyJobs is a cutting-edge marketing solution that brings the best candidates to companies. In a challenging and changing job market, HeyJobs partners with you to make recruiting successful again.

What gave you the idea for your startup? Is there a particular experience you could point to?

In our previous company, Memorado, we were always faced with not being able to hire fast enough. We tried all available means: jobboards, agencies and came up short. In the end, we started applying exactly the same logic and methods we used to acquire customers: data-driven online marketing on all available channels, highly converting landing pages and a lean funnel. The result was that more than 90% of our hires in that year came through our own “talent acquisition machine”. So we took the idea, “productized” it and now more than 500 organizations recruit with the HeyJobs recruiting solution.

Of all industries to tackle, why recruiting?

We believe connecting the right talent with the right opportunities helps people live a fulfilling live. Employment has a very positive impact on wealth, peace, security and health of any society and we are proud to make an impact in this way.

How do you envision your idea changing the talent acquisition landscape?

In the same way, Google and online marketing changed the “customer acquisition” landscape. Recruiters and organizations will abandon the previous world of gut-feel based selection of jobboards, paying for listings and not being able to measure results. “Talent Acquisition” teams will form and use technology and data to maximize ROI on recruiting spend, measure results and create predictable success. HeyJobs serves as a “Google Adwords for Recruiters” which enables recruiters to steer their whole recruitment marketing from one place, rely on our machine learning technology to increase efficiency and use our software products to increase conversion rates.

What does ‘hiring success’ mean to you?

The ultimate success is hiring people who will do a much better job than you could ever do it yourself. Finding, attracting and developing talent to become the next generation of leaders and ultimately be good enough to make your own job redundant.

What is your favorite interview question and why?

“Tell me about the topic you are most passionate about in life. In 3 minutes, help me become an expert in that topic by explaining it.”

I love this question because it helps me find out a) how passionate/driven the person is, b) how logical he can explain, c) whether he is an exciting personality. Also, this way I learn about a new topic every interview.

What’s the role of technology in hiring?

I see technology as an “enabler” to help me do things I always wanted to do but never had the time to do. Post hundreds of jobs automatically to 100+ channels and adjust budgets daily based on how many candidates each channel delivers? What would take days to do manually, can now be done in seconds. Schedule interviews in seconds instead of writing forth-and-back a hundred times?  I am very critical of technology “replacing” human analysis and intuition in individual cases. For example interviewing is already such an individual and difficult task for humans that computers and machine learning will come up very short in this area.

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