SmartRecruiters Blog

Make HR History And Join The First Ever SmartRecruiters Hackathon at Hire18

Ever used an ATS platform, found something lacking and said, ‘There should be an app for that’? Here’s your chance.

SmartRecruiters is pleased to announce that its First Annual Hackathon will be held at the Hiring Success 18 conference in San Francisco from March 13-14th. However, the event is not only a first for SmartRecruiters, it is a first for the HR industry in general!


Hackathons are now pretty common among developers, but for the uninitiated, they are organized events – usually held over a 24 or 48 hour period – in which groups of designers, developers and experts compete to create the best app, feature, or enhancements on top of an already existing platform, often for a cash prize and/or personal glory.

Traditional thinking dictates hackathons are the domains of coders, developers and technical experts. We want to to change that by letting our ticket-holding SmartRecruiters customers become developers for a day. This means, at Hire18, you’ll have the chance to work directly with our Talent Acquisition Suite Public APIs, and if required, the SmartRecruiters developers themselves.

So, if you’ve ever provided feedback to your ATS provider that has seemingly gone down a black hole, here is your opportunity to make that change happen.

We’ll Give You The Team You Need!

Don’t know the difference between a coding variable or conditional? No problem. We’ll give you the guys who do.

Teams will have the option of including two SmartRecruiters developers and/or one designer, assigned based on their relevant experience, to assist them in their project. This means if you or your company lacks the resources required, you can still join in the competition. All you need to do is come up with a great idea and communicate it clearly to your hackathon team. That’s it!

The best projects will be those which zero-in on a particular issue and deliver practical features that solve it. Extra points will be granted for durability and scalability, but if your idea just makes recruitment easier in a way we’ve never considered, you might be onto a winner.

So What Do I Win?

If your idea trumps all the others in the competition, then you’ve got a lot to look forward to, not least the $5000 prize money (to be split among the team members). It’s also likely your creation will eventually be rolled into the SmartRecruiters platform and assist recruiters and hiring managers around the world!

What Are The Rules and How Do I Get Involved?

Below are the full rules for the Hire18 Hackathon, including what you need to do to get access to the SmartRecruiters developers.

  1. Customers teams are made up of 3-4 people. One of those team members must act as the spokesperson for the team during the final presentation.
  2. Customers must prepare a working prototype of their “hack” within the 24-hour window, including one page design overview/requirements document.
  3. Customers must demo their prototype to our panel of judges (leading analysts and venture capitalists in the space) and all Hire18 attendees in order to be qualified for the grand prize.
  4. Customers must submit their idea, a paragraph summary, and full list of all participants (including contact information) by February 1, 2018 to
  5. Customers must provide their own development, design, and product resources.  Should a customer have an idea and wish to participate, but not have access to their own development resources, they can borrow two (2) developer resources and one (1) design resource from the SmartRecruiters R&D team with the purchase of five (5) or more tickets to the Hire18.
  6. Customers are limited to only the SmartRecruiters Public API. Details can be found at  Development environments and machines must be supplied by the customer and their resources and will not be provided by SmartRecruiters.
  7. All participants must have purchased a ticket to the Hire18 prior to the submission deadline.

As mentioned above, SmartRecruiters will be required to purchase an Hire18 ticket and deliver a short summary of their idea to by February 1, 2018. Alternatively, you can apply via the form on our Hire18 Hackathon page. Entry includes three free meals, wifi, and access to Hire18’s Design and Development lab. The hackathon will be limited to 10 teams, so it’s important you apply as soon as possible to confirm a place.


SmartRecruiters' Talent Acquisition Suite has everything you need to attract, select, and hire the best talent.