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Hire18 Speaker Preview: Matt Charney

Keeping abreast of all the developments in the recruitment world is a daunting task. Just as you’ve got to grips with one concept or piece of tech, another comes along to change things up entirely. You need someone to help you through this human resources jungle. You need Matt Charney.

In fact, if you work in HR, the chances are you’ve already read something from the mind of Matt Charney. As the Executive Editor of RecruitingDaily, Charney has become the font of all recruitment knowledge, regularly writing, tweeting and podcasting about every development, both big and small, in the industry.

However, Matt’s experience doesn’t end with just commenting on the recruitment industry, he’s also spent a lot of time within it — including for some rather impressive players. Prior to becoming the snarky face of the number one HR online resource, Matt took on senior recruitment roles with both Warner Bros. and Disney, working to train Talent Acquisition personnel, strategize their sourcing pipelines and improve employer brand. Following this, Matt enjoyed stints at other recruitment behemoths such as Monster and Cornerstone.

Basically this means that once Matt starts talking about recruitment, you should probably start listening.

And, luckily for you, that’s exactly what’s going to happen at this year’s Hiring Success 18 conference! Following a rousing talk at Hire 17, SmartRecruiters has brought Matt back for a sequel chat about the finer details of recruitment branding.

Of course, all this is only useful if you’ve grabbed yourself some tickets to Hire18. To quickly solve that massive oversight, head over to our registration page.

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