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Hire18 Speaker Interview: Chassidy Rellinger

When your company is this global, different regions mean different requirements. A challenge that, at least for this talent acquisition director, is really more of an opportunity.

As a Talent Acquisition Director and global project leader for Avery Dennison. Chassidy Rellinger brings more than 15 years of experience in Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, global project management, and most recently, HR system design and implementation. In her current role at this California-based, Fortune-500 manufacturer, Chassidy leads a team responsible for US/Canada recruitment, as well as the US Leadership Development Program (university recruitment).  

Chassidy holds a MA from Michigan State University in Human Resources & Labor Relations, and we are thrilled to have her speak at Hiring Success 18 in San Francisco, held from March 12-14. Here’s a little taste of what to expect.

Where on your company’s list of priorities is recruitment?

Mobilizing and bringing the best talent into the organization is a high priority. It sounds cliche, but Avery Dennison is successful because of our culture, and our culture is driven by our talent. Every role is critical, and so our talent review and acquisition processes are equally important.

What does your organization do differently in recruiting than anyone else?

I think one of the things we do really well is partnering with business within regions and functions, to understand the talent implications of the business/functional strategy. We not only have a pulse on the external market, but we also know potential internal talent, and understand where we need to create deeper pipelines.

What is one thing about your job process you’d like to change?

Ideally, we would add or shift more resources to analytics and our employer brand.

What is the thing you are most proud of in your work?

The greater organization sees us as a strategic partner, and a highly skilled, in-demand team.

What is the current balance between technology and human intuition in your hiring process?

We use technology heavily, to enable an effective and efficient recruitment workflow. However, we haven’t yet taken the leap to implement technology such as AI or assessments, etc, in our actual selection process.

What have been some of the biggest changes you’ve seen occur in the industry since you began?

I am relatively new to recruitment (four years), so I do not have a lot of deep history in the function. That said, it is clear that the labor market for specialists continues to tighten, while at the same time it seems talent is most inundated, and least interested, in traditional recruitment methods like email inquiry. I am curious to see how this will evolve, and how we will curate relationships with talent. I believe that employer brand content will be more and more important as talent ‘finds’ us, on their time and via their preferred channel.

What will your job look like five years from now?

I believe my job will be more about consulting the business on how to adjust our target profiles, our assessment criteria, and the aligned technology to get the best, most diverse hires for the organization. Using data and analytics we will have a much more scientific approach to a search.

Who was/is your biggest professional influence and why?

I have worked with amazing people and great leaders, but honestly, this person is probably my dad. He owns his own business and works incredibly hard to meet the needs of his customers. He has built and maintained key relationships that have enabled him to be successful for decades, a rarity in small business.

What would be your first bits of advice to a new hire in your department?

Learn the business and the functions you support, really get to know their strengths and weaknesses. Relationships are everything. You can’t communicate enough, or fast enough.

Real quick, without thinking too hard, what does Hiring Success mean to you?

Seeing talent make an impact; delivering measurable results within an organization.

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