SmartRecruiters Blog

The Company Background Check… on Mobile

Job seeking and talent recruiting are being performed on mobile devices. Human resource departments and recruiting specialist have to adjust the fact that more and more people are living and connecting through their mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. Various reports predict that in 2014 more people will use mobile devices to get on the internet and search for jobs than desktops. It’s all going mobile now folks.

Even word of mouth has changed. Here’s an example of how a conversation about job openings has evolved over the decades …


“Hey, did you know Company X is hiring? Yes it’s in the classified ads. You’d better print off a resume and drop it in the mail today.”


“Hey man, is hiring. When you have time, you’d better jump online and fill out the application. Takes about 20 minutes.”


“Hey, my newsfeed said @X is hiring. You can login with LinkedIn or Facebook to apply with a push of button.”

Just like that.

Mobile Job SearchMobile usage is increasing and these users are looking for easy navigation, attractive design, and a painless application process.  A recent study found that only 25% of job seekers have applied for a job with their mobile device but 57% would be interested in applying over mobile if there was an easy and professional solution.

It’s all part of the candidate experience. If you want to win the “War for Talent” or “Skills Gap,” you can’t catch the big fish if you are using the wrong bait. Your website’s design and mobile interface is your presentation to the entire world, including the millions upon millions of active and passive job seekers. If the job seeker can’t scroll through your site and see innovation, simplicity and exciting careers opportunities – they will pass.

We’ve talked about the importance of branding, using social networks and the advancements of mobile technology previously on SmartRecruiters. Social recruiting and reverse social recruiting (where the applicant investigates the company) are more common. We’ve just witnessed the release of the new Apple iPhones with customers standing in lines and sleeping in front of stores to get the latest device. Samsung has already sold over 70 million smartphones in 2013.

Mobile devices are quicker and more adaptable than desktops, and they have more functionality. Optimizing your website for mobile is more than simply an attractive design.  Users must be able to read your job descriptions with ease and apply to them with their devices. This means there should be integration with other websites like Monster, LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, and Facebook.

Oh yes, Facebook is not only for “friending” and “liking” – many creative job seekers have customized their pages as social resumes and some have created Facebook fan pages exclusively for employers. By adding a mobile interface to your company site and careers page you are ensuring that potential candidates can perform the necessary company background search needed to make the decision to apply with your company.  Oh, and incidentally, by optimizing your company’s website for mobile use, not only will you grow your applicant pool, you will increase site traffic and therefore business opportunities…so there’s that.

Everyone wants to work for the best of the best, and you’d better believe applicants will perform a background check on the company prior to applying. Only today that due diligence is done on the go.


chris fieldsChris Fields is an HR professional and leadership guy who also helps job seekers write great resumes. 

SmartRecruiters is the hiring platform with everything you need to source talent, manage candidates, and make the right hires.


Chris Fields

Chris Fields is an HR professional and leadership guy who blogs and dispenses great (not just good) advice at Cost of Work & ResumeCrusade.