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8 Best Practices for Manufacturing Recruitment

two men in a manufacturing facility

The manufacturing industry has an outsize impact on employment. Nearly 14 million people are employed in manufacturing in the United States, and there are more than half a million job openings. With one of the lowest quit rates among all industries, teams in the manufacturing sector met only 44.3% of their hiring goals last year, according to a GoodTime survey. What can companies do to attract talent in an industry known for high demand and low supply of talent? Let’s look at these best practices for manufacturing recruitment.

1. Informative job descriptions 

Most people have never been inside a manufacturing facility and have little idea what goes on inside. Candidates’ ideas may be based on what they’ve seen on television or what they heard from a friend. The best manufacturing job descriptions paint a picture of the tasks in words, giving candidates an idea of what exactly they’ll be doing all day. Let them know if they’ll be walking 20,000 steps per shift or lifting things over and over, or if they are required to match numbers on labels accurately. 

Including the pay range, benefits, and information about opportunities for advancement will help candidates decide whether it’s the right job for where they are in life right now.

Additionally, be as flexible as possible about the required experience. Do they really need a high school diploma or a college degree? See what you can infer about someone’s previous work experience that suggests they’d be a good match, such as a military background or work in other industries such as agriculture or construction.

2. Mobile-first streamlined applications

Mobile is the name of the game for candidates when searching for jobs completing applications. Offering a simple mobile-first application process helps candidates apply while the job is top of mind rather than saving it for later—which might be never. 

Manufacturing companies like PACCOR and American Iron & Metal use SmartRecruiters’ quick apply application to process thousands of candidates per year and ensure that no candidate is left behind with a lengthy application.

3. Conditional screening questions

Even when you’ve done your best to outline the role’s requirements such as hours and physical requirements, unqualified or unwilling candidates may still apply. Adding simple screening questions regarding shift availability or physical capabilities to your applications will ensure you have the most relevant candidate pool by the time a recruiter views the application. With automated delivery of screening questions, candidates who meet the conditions can be either rejected or progressed to the next stage. 

4. Integrated pre-hire assessments

What candidates say about themselves may not offer enough information; you may want to test them or give them a preview with a job simulation. The SmartRecruiters Marketplace offers a wide variety of pre-hire assessments, from gamified solutions to virtual job simulations. Assessment tools that are integrated with an ATS allow recruiting teams to easily view results and move high-scoring candidates forward to the next stage.

5. Text messaging from the ATS

Reaching candidates on the go—particularly if they’re already employed—can be challenging. SMS and WhatsApp are the most common messaging apps and are much more accessible than email. As soon as your currently employed candidate steps out for a break, he or she can respond to your text and schedule an interview immediately. An ATS with integrated text messaging helps teams align by making candidate communication visible to the whole team.

6. Referral bonuses 

Word of mouth is a powerful driver of interest in manufacturing roles. A referral from a current employee demystifies the work, and employees love getting referral incentives if your company offers them. Make sure to use a system that makes it easy for employees to refer their friends and acquaintances to your open roles. A good system highlights referred applicants and makes status updates available to the referring employee.

7. Events and outreach

On job boards, your job descriptions are competing with every other employer’s job descriptions. Your presence at recruiting events helps prospective candidates get a feel for your company and its roles while giving them the opportunity to ask questions.

Events at trade schools, community colleges, and other associations help you connect with future or recent graduates. These partnerships also help company branding: your name becomes recognized and known among students, which leads to the potential of being top of mind when students begin looking for jobs once they leave school.

A CRM is an essential tool for event-based recruiting. Candidates can enter information into a device at the event itself, or you can offer a QR code that opens to CRM form. From the CRM, companies can deliver essential information about the company, nurturing prospects until they’re ready to apply. 

8. Robust reporting and analytics

How do you know which sourcing channels work the best for manufacturing hires? Which process interventions were most successful? Which locations or teams need a boost? A reporting strategy and strong analytics functionality will help your team uncover roadblocks and optimize processes so that you can unlock the benefits of continuous improvement. Look for solutions with embedded dashboards and robust filtering capabilities that allow you to easily share and export dashboards in a variety of formats.

“When you have a system that’s data-driven, nothing is unclear afterward. It makes the points of collaboration visible and easy to discuss. In the end, the candidate benefits from improved collaboration.” – PACCOR

Changing candidate interests impact manufacturing recruitment 

With the median age for manufacturing workers at 44, companies must work to convince the younger generations about the benefits and long-term viability of these occupations. 

After the pandemic, many people now seek to work from home: according to a survey by GoodTime, remote work expectations were the manufacturing sector’s top hiring challenge, cited by 31% of TA leaders. Manufacturers can educate prospective candidates on the camaraderie and satisfaction of problem-solving available with on-site work. 

If your company offers stable year-round employment, job stability may also appeal to those employed in more seasonal industries such as construction, agriculture, or hospitality. Additionally, if your facility uses automation or AI, candidates may be intrigued by the opportunity to gain skills in these areas.

Because today’s job seekers have more options than ever, it’s important to leverage tools that help them identify, apply, and interview for roles efficiently. SmartRecruiters’ comprehensive hiring platform offers a 3-minute application, conditional screening questions, seamless integrations with assessment providers, text messaging, an employee portal for referral tracking, a CRM, and robust analytics features. 

To learn more about how our systems can help win top manufacturing talent, get in touch with us for a demo today.

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