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5 Tips for Hiring the Best Candidate

Finding the right employee for your next open position is important to run your company smoothly. In order to find the right person for the job, you must look past the applicants’ resumes and find out more about them as a person. Even if candidates need to posses the skills and experience that is required by the job description, they also have to have the personality and willingness that is fit to your company’s culture.

So how can we find the candidates that fit the job description and the company’s culture? The following 5 hiring process will assist you select and zoom in to the best candidates.

Ask the right questions
Asking relevant questions will save you more time and energy. Learning more about the candidates & their vision will help you weed out those who can make an immediate contribution to your organization. For instance asking the candidates’ future goal and what motivates them can help you understand whether they will add value to your company or not. Ultimately your goal is to find the right candidate that will join your team and make a difference.

Check out their social media activities.
I am sure most employers have already started using social media to filter out the best candidates. Checking their social media activities will help you learn a lot about who they are as a person and as an employee. Their social media activities could indicate if they are a people person, what their hobbies and who their networks are. It is always beneficial to review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision.

Find the candidates’ qualities to fit the job.
Since candidate’s personality is very important, finding the personality depends on your company’s culture. Once you identify your company’s culture, the look for a candidate that fits your company’s rules and principles. The candidate might have the skills needed to perform the job however the skill must match their personality. Using personality tests/questionnaires and asking the candidates more direct questions would be helpful to find the best candidate that fits your company’s culture.

Candidate’s social skills
A candidate with great social skills helps him/her perform well on the position they will be assigned to. Does the candidate have good communication skills? Does the candidate have a good eye contact during the interview? Also does the candidate explain while answering question? Those are some of the questions that you need to consider before selecting a candidate for the position you are hiring. A candidate that has good social skills could mean the difference between a good candidate and a great candidate.

Expect the unexpected
Even if you followed all the rules and principles on your hiring process, sometimes some hires may not work as expected. Your intentions might be to find the best candidate that will make a difference joining your team but sometimes things could go the opposite way. If you are in these kinds of situations it is best to end the employment quickly rather than investing too much time & money keeping the employee. Also make a note and find out what went wrong and learn from the past mistake. As they say you learn more from your failure than your success.
Finding the right candidate is not an easy task however considering some of the tips I mentioned could help you increase the chance of landing the best candidate that will make an immediate contribution to your organization.

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